3C’s: Work From Home Management

August 12, 2020 | Posted by: Noemi Ebarle


This is perhaps the most important principle every organization should establish in a remote operation. Does each team member understand his responsibilities? Clear goals and expectations must be set beforehand to make sure that the organization’s roadmap is still updated. In a normal office-based set-up, an employee who finishes his tasks early oftentimes asks what else can be done. This promotes initiative and doing the extra mile among employees, which is quite difficult to observe and promote in a remote set-up. The challenge here is not the incapability to know what deliverables are completed. Chances are, the organization already set measurable criteria and parameters for end of day accomplishments. The real challenge is not knowing how things get done. In the office you can see how an employee works. You can see if someone is frantic or slacking. In a remote set-up,  the level of monitoring becomes inorganic. This is what makes clarity on what needs to deliver, how to get it done and what else can be contributed all the more important.


Internet connection has become a commodity because of remote work set-up. Unfortunately, the Philippines ranks 113th among 138 countries in the global average internet connection speed based on the published data of speedtest.net. Even if the country’s average download speed is at 25.07 Mbps, which is close to the global average of 26.12 Mbps, most users are having trouble with the connection due to latency and unreliable speed in some areas. Further, internet connection is not the only connection that matters in a remote work set-up. From a manager’s standpoint, checking your employees proactively and letting them know you are open to listen and assist them is vital in times when organic connection is elusive. Before, there used to be coffee breaks, lunch out, quick meeting introduction and random talks that complement a work day. Now, the meetings that employees get to be involved in are oftentimes direct and work specific. The approach to each employee must also vary depending on their situation and background. For instance, parents who are working from home may be experiencing additional challenges because aside from trying to get work done at home with the new system, they also need to attend to their children. Hence, managers must establish the necessary connection, extend understanding, and coach employees on how to deal with the situation without compromising the level of output.


The country’s unemployment rate in July 2020 was estimated at 10% which is equivalent to about 4.6 million unemployed Filipinos. The country also hit the record high of unemployment at 17.7% during April 2020 in a recent data released by the Philippine Statistics Office. Employees who are lucky enough to keep their jobs undoubtedly feel the need to stay committed and motivated. Some are even battling the daily risk of exposure from public commute and the inevitable people interaction just to make ends meet. The risk and challenges of employees who are working from home should also not be undermined. Managers and leaders should be careful in expressing the need to stay focused and committed when interacting with employees who are working from home. Instead, focus on how to embody integrity and trust. When you already understand how your team works in a remote set-up with all resources provided, getting a solid commitment to perform well and achieve certain goals is unlikely far-fetched.  

Overall, the success of work from home management depends on sustainability. This requires consistency and more versatility as the demand changes from time to time. The pandemic has shaped every organization’s planning mechanisms and approach to the crisis. The responsibility and drive must be inherited across all segments of the organization. Each member plays an important role, but the middle management should be able to convey the message with clarity, connection and commitment.

About the author

Noemi Ebarle



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