Caring for the Mental Health and Wellness of Employees

August 26, 2020 | Posted by: Atty. Melvelyn Barrozo

Well-being of employees is crucial in the growth and progress of an enterprise. This has never been more pronounced than in this time of uncertainty. The Covid19 pandemic has brought not only economic hardships to everyone but also it has taken its toll on some of the working people. Employees working remotely may feel isolated if living alone while those who have children and family to take care of may feel overburdened juggling family life and work. There is no more delineation between life and work in a work from home arrangement. As a result, some employees may feel burned out or unduly stressed out. For employees who are required to report for work in the office, they fear getting exposed to the Covid19 virus or simply feel anxious in general when going out of their houses.

Even the Philippine government recognizes the importance of mental well-being of individuals and their roles in the economic growth of the country. For that reason, the Department of Labor and Employment (“DOLE”) recently issued Department Order No. 208, series of 2020 providing for the Guidelines for the Implementation of Mental Health Workplace Policies and Programs for the Private Sector. The department order that took effect on 11 February 2020 mandates establishments to formulate a mental health workplace policy and program. More recently, the DOLE and the Department of Trade and Industry issued Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-04 prescribing for workplace safety and health including providing psychosocial support especially for employees with mental health concerns.

With the legal bases in place, it is now up for the establishments to foster a kind, caring, and supportive work environment not only for those working in the office setting but also for those working remotely. It is time for the human resource head or department of an establishment to ensure that the mental health policies and programs are in place, carried out, and sustained.

First, the HR may consider an information drive to let everyone be aware of the importance of mental well-being and that it is all right to ask for help or support when someone is not feeling well or anxious. The managers together with the HR team also has a role to play in preventing stigma and discrimination against employees with mental health conditions.

Establishments may also integrate health and wellness services to cater to the needs of remote workers. Benefits portfolio may also be reviewed to provide online workout courses for the employees or provide mental wellness coaching or meditations or workforce rotation to give some employees time to breathe and relax and avoid burnout. These are some of the programs that can be adopted to help the employees alleviate their anxieties or fears brought by the pandemic among others.

There are various programs and interventions that an establishment may adopt to promote mental health in the workplace. But the work does not end there. Adequate resources have to be devoted to sustain these mental health workplace programs of an establishment. That is possible with the coordinated efforts of the HR, the management, and the employees themselves.

About the author

Atty. Melvelyn Barrozo

Melvelyn has 15 years of law practice. Her practice focuses on commercial and corporate laws, intellectual property, foreign investments and structuring, due diligence work, asset or purchase acquisitions, and legal advisory on the legal issues arising from the business operations of her clients.


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